Full Moon Rituals for Women Inspired by Ayurveda and Yoga

Full moon rituals for women inspired by Ayurveda, Yoga and Astrology

Written by Heather Burkart

I'm passionate about helping women unlock their greatest potential to experience the energy, focus, and mood that they deserve.

Discover Full Moon rituals for women inspired by Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology and Yoga. These practices naturally support hormone balance for women throughout the month, regardless of their current life phase. They also help navigate the discomforts of the menstrual cycle and perimenopause. They encompass a broad spectrum of holistic methods, such as nutrition, herbal remedies, lifestyle adjustments, meditation, and yoga.

Bookmark this page to visit every month for self-care inspiration based on the changing astrology of the moon and other planets.

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, 2024

The full moon shines its light on the quirky and independent sign of Aquarius. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility, Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer. This may seem odd for an air sign, but it represents their deep desire to nourish the world with knowledge and progressive ideas.

Aquarians are known for their humanitarian spirit and their commitment to making the world a better place. They’re also famous for their rebellious streak and refusal to follow the crowd. So, what does this full moon have in store for us? Let’s dive in!

Embrace Full Moon Vibes

This full moon is a powerful time for self-reflection and personal growth. Take some time to journal, meditate, or simply relax and recharge. Connect with your intuition and let your inner wisdom guide you. Remember, Aquarius energy is all about embracing your individuality and making a positive impact on the world. So go out there and shine your light!

Understanding Aquarius Energy

Aquarius energy is all about innovation, independence, and social change. During this full moon, you might feel a stronger urge to break from routine, question the status quo, and connect with like-minded people. It’s a great time to brainstorm new ideas, join a community organization, or simply let your unique personality shine.

The Aquarius Full Moon invites you to express yourself! Consider healthy ways to challenge your own boundaries especially when being too rigid is not working for you.

Do as the En Vogue song Free Your Mind says, and the rest will follow.

Taking Care of Aquarius Body-Mind System and Sensitivities

Did you know Aquarius rules the lower legs, ankles, and circulatory system? This means that those born under this sign (or anyone feeling the Aquarian influence) might be prone to issues in these areas. To keep your body healthy and balanced, focus on:

  • Gentle exercise:  Walking and yoga are great ways to improve circulation and strengthen your legs and joints of your lower body.
  • Magnesium and potassium-rich foods: These minerals support muscle function. Think leafy greens, bananas, and avocados.
  • Warm baths with Epsom salts can help replenish magnesium and soothe tired muscles.
  • Herbal allies: Butcher’s broom, horse chestnut, and gotu kola are known to support vein health. Spices like ginger and cinnamon act as circulatory stimulants.

Nurturing The Aquarius Heart & Mind

Aquarians are visionary thinkers, but all that mental activity can sometimes lead to burnout and overwhelm. To keep your mind sharp and focused, try:

  • Eating a brain-boosting diet: Blueberries, walnuts, and fatty fish are all great choices.
  • Mindfulness practices: Meditation and yoga can help you stay grounded and centered.

See my Aquarian-inspired yoga flow below …

Aquarius and Eye Health

Aquarians, the intrepid seekers, need to care for their eyes as Aquarius rules the retina. Your eyes may feel more sensitive than usual and they are very light and heat-sensitive. Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology view the eyes as an extension of our nervous system. Caring for the eyes can help soothe the nerves. 

  • Include carotenoid-rich foods that support vision like beets, carrots, and orange/yellow squashes. 
  • Limit screen time: Give your eyes a break and spend some time in nature.
  • Go for an evening stroll to gaze at the moon and take in the cool night air
  • A rose water spritz on the face can help moisturize dry, irritated eyes

Discover Lunar Cycle Rituals with Her Well Being’s Moon Calendar & Journal

With our Moon Calendar & Journal, you can track the lunar cycle, every New and Full moon, and the self-care rituals that can support a woman’s wellbeing at that time. Included are pages for intentions, affirmations, and journaling.

Ayurveda and full moon astrology for a woman's vitality and longevity

Download our Moon calendar and journal now!


The Aquarian Mind Buzz: How Much Caffeine is Healthy?

As they may be drawn to caffeine to fuel their ever-buzzing minds, Aquarians need to be careful of excessive caffeine. They already live in their minds much of the time and need to keep their feet on the ground, figuratively speaking. Coffee and black tea can also be too drying for this airy type. 

They might like to try green tea which is rich in antioxidants and will still give you a decent boost. I love Matcha green tea. I mix it with nourishing warm milk and digestive herbs like cardamom and ginger to balance its cool nature.

Check out my recipe below. 

Mindful Movement for Aquarius

Favored modalities for these quick-witted and fast-moving individuals include acupuncture, Ayurvedic Marma massage or acupressure (both work with the energetic centers and circulation system of the subtle body), any form of energy work but especially Reiki. 

Because Aquarians are always either thinking or moving, they may be drawn to popular Vinyasa-style flow classes. This is where they can get too caught up in flowing and fail to rest and balance their Airy nature. If you want to find a good complement to flow yoga classes, try a Restorative or Yin class once a week to balance and restore your energy. 

Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong may be a better choice for Aquarians. Both practices strengthen the lower body, which acts as an anchor while the upper body flows gracefully and with great attention. It’s the best of both worlds.

Join the next Women’s Full Moon Circle!

REgister here

Yoga Postures for the Full Moon in Aquarius: Boost Blood Flow and Lower Body Strength and Mobility

In an Aquarian-inspired Full Moon yoga flow, focus on stimulating circulation and our ability to flex and flow. Strengthen ankles and calves to enhance mobility and stability.

This month’s yoga flow includes Earthy, stable postures that allows for graceful movement in the upper body. Support lower body strength to secure the Root Chakra. Chant the seed sound of LUM with me to send healing sound deep within the Subtle Body ending with OM chanted with all seed sounds of AH-OH-UHM.

This grounding practice invites you to be a bit rebellious, go with the flow, and express yourself!

Postures for Aquarius

Short to moderate holds.

Soft Ujjayi pranayama.

Herbs for an Aquarius Full Moon

Herbs for Aquarius include calming, soothing herbs like catmint (also known as catnip!), lavender, peppermint, jasmine, skullcap as well as uplifting herbs like rosemary.

For an antioxidant-rich caffeine boost you might turn to green tea which still provides plenty of a caffeine for the Aquarian mind without the jitters and sour stomach.

I like to add an adaptogen hit with Ashwagandha when caffeine is involved. I particularly love Banyan Botanical’s Ashwagandha Latte mix that includes other powerful adaptogens and yummy digestive spices.

Aquarius Ashwa-Matcha Latte

2 teaspoons Matcha green tea powder

1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha Latte mix by Banyan Botanicals (link below)

1/2 teaspoon cardamom

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

Milk of your choice

Natural sweetener

Pour 8 ounces of hot water over the Matcha tea and digestive spices. Add a little milk and sweetener.

Learn more about Aquarius herbology.

Purchase Ayurvedic herbs and spices from Banyan Botanicals.

Full Moon Rituals for Aquarius and Muladhara Root Chakra Rituals

The invitation is to connect with the root chakra with grounding self-care activities:

  • Listen to a guided meditation that focuses on the root chakra.
  • Nourishing foods that support bone health.
  • Take a bath with essential oils like lavender, jasmine, or rosemary.
  • Grounding yoga practice with poses that nourish the root chakra
  • Chant the Bija mantra LAM (pronounced LUM).

If you’re not sure these herbs are right for you, sign up for a Free Discovery Call with me to find out.

Mercury Continues Retrograde through August

In retrograde, Mercury asks us to take it slow and look back at unfinished business. This allows us some editing time to cross t’s and dot our i’s. If you took a few steps forward recently, think about taking a step back for a closer or broader look. This may also mean delays in plans or unexpected consequences.

Be ready for anything and plan to go with the flow. Remember that Mercury is about communication, and he just wants us to get it right. When he is direct, his fast-forward motion tends to make us act quickly without thinking thoroughly about the consequences.

Keep in mind that other planets go into retrograde as well. Saturn started his on June 29th and will last until November 15th. Saturn governs time, restrictions, and delays. Saturn in retrograde may mean that those things may ease up a bit. Phew!

Learn more about retrogrades.

September 2024 Dates: Looking Ahead

  • August 28th: Mercury Retrograde ends!
  • September 2nd: New Moon in Leo
  • September 17th: Full Moon in Pisces

Check back next month for more inspiration for lunar practices that support your body, mind, and spirit!

Full Moon Circle Gatherings: Connect with Your Heart and Mind & Others with Intention

The Full Moon is a time for women to gather and support each other in this time-honored tradition. It’s a time for creativity, expression, and channeling the full energy of the Moon for meaningful personal and universal purposes. Align with the rhythm of the lunar cycle to be in tune with nature and the intuitive powers of the divine Feminine. Unleash your Inner Goddess and let her voice be heard!

Through meditation, journaling, and connecting with this universal wisdom to guide us on our path toward personal growth, spirituality, and enlightenment. Every month is a different theme that takes us further on the soul’s journey. The highlighted zodiac sign is associated with a planet that brings its own personality and deep inquiries for us to explore. Won’t you join us?

We welcome anyone who wants to connect with the Divine Feminine.

** Bookmark this page to get monthly Full Moon updates and information for upcoming Women’s Full Moon Circle Gatherings **

Resources for Women’s Wellness Rituals

Listen to the latest guided Moon Meditation with Heather on
the Insight Timer app!


Rest & Restore: A Gentle Period Cleanse Before Your Period

The Full Moon is an ideal time for a gentle, nourishing cleanse to support a smooth menstrual cycle. Ayurvedic cleansing for women is specifically designed to suit the needs of a woman’s mind-body system. Learn more about my home Ayurvedic cleanse that you can do you your own BEFORE your period (not during). Learn more about my program Restore & Reset on my Ayurveda Online programs page. Make sure to sign up for a Discovery Call so we can personalize your very own personal cleanse!

Related Blog Posts on the Her Well Being Blog

Learn how Ayurveda can support menstrual health. Discover the root cause of your period woes and your menstrual type in the following blog post.


Journey with the Nakshatras

Planetary Influences

Planetary Apothecary

Purchase Ayurvedic herbs and spices from Banyan Botanicals.
Ayurvedic practitioner for women in Milwaukee Wisconsin nationally certified

Heather R. Burkart

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner

Founder, Her Well Being Ayurveda & Yoga

Please be advised that the content on this website is for education and information purposes only and does not replace advice from a medical professional.

Ayurveda for women's health and wellness

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