3-Day Reset: Welcome!

See below for a few things to help you get the most from this program. Also, please know that you can begin the program whenever you’re ready. There’s absolutely no pressure to stick to the schedule as it is. The content within the emails you receive is yours indefinitely and you’re free to revisit it whenever you’d like.


Disregard instructions for the online portal. It’s not needed with the email-only program. 


Take the Personal Ayurvedic Profile Quiz to discover your Ayurvedic constitution and learn how to personalize your program. You’ll get your results via email within a day or two and an opportunity to schedule a 60-minute call to discuss your results in detail over the phone for an additional fee. 


Download and/or print the 3-Day Reset Journal. This is where you’ll find general instructions, shopping lists, and journal pages for your end-of-day reflections. You’ll get reminders for what to expect tomorrow, too. 

The recipes will be shared with you via email. 


Lastly, invite a friend to do the program with you! This will make it fun and add accountability, too. You can share the program with this link.


Tell your friends and family of your personal intention with the 3-Day Reset. When we tell others this makes it more real for us and adds an element of accountability. This is a great way to share the program with a loved one, too. Why go it alone?

Sharing your intention and dedication is a great conversation starter and will help build excitement and encouragement. Share on any social platform you like and use most or just send an email and share this link for others to join you. Be sure to tag #herwellbeingayurveda and #threedayreset


Don’t forget to download and print the 3-Day Reset Journal to write about your experience. This will help you reflect at the end of the day and prepare for the following day.

3-Day Reset Overview

Take a look at the overview so you know what to expect. Remember that you can repeat anything you’d like along the way for a full experience.

Day 1: NurtureGinger-Lemon WaterFoot Rub w/OilQuiet Night
Day 2: NourishMung DalRelaxing BathEarly to Bed
Day 3: Rest & ResetStewed ApplesAbhyangaEarly to Rise
3 Day Reset Overview

Good luck!

Questions? Book a free chat with me.