Discover Women's Reproductive Wellbeing with Ayurveda

Support menstrual health naturally with a holistic approach

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Watch the Training for a More Peaceful Period with Ayurveda


free video training about menstrual health and ayurveda for women's wellbeing

Discover the root cause of your period pains, your menstrual type, and what foods support wellbeing before and during your period.

Reclaim your life from the roller coaster of your menstrual cycle with Ayurveda for women.

Discover Ayurveda, the time-honored Indian system of holistic medicine, to help you navigate the ups and downs of your menstrual cycle.

Too many women suffer from bloating, cramps, pain, headaches, swelling, mood fluctuations, fatigue, and digestive problems that interfere with their daily lives and lead to exhaustion.

The timeless wisdom of Ayurveda offers a wealth of remedies specifically designed to naturally balance hormones, whether a woman is in the prime of her reproductive years or transitioning to menopause (perimenopause).

Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to women’s reproductive health, combining dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, yoga, and meditation. This harmonious blend eases symptoms and restores balance and vitality.


Hi, I’m Heather.

Think of me as an Ayurvedic menstrual health guru for women.

I empower women to embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda so they can ride the rhythms of their monthly cycle with confidence and ease.

Balance hormones naturally with Ayurvedic wisdom for women and reclaim your body, mind, and spirit.

Reclaim your life! 

Discover Ayurveda Wisdom for Women’s Menstrual Health

 Begin your menstrual health journey today

and choose the approach that works for you.

Online Ayurveda Courses

Discover Ayurvedic wisdom with Heather’s expert guidance so you can start soothing your cycle naturally. Choose one of Heather’s self-paced courses to start anytime you’d like. Courses are a great place to start for beginners, curious minds, or those with busy schedules.

Ayurvedic Group Programs

Looking for peer and practitioner support? With a group program, you’ll get more guidance from Heather and be invited to join our group page and live group coaching sessions for lively discussion. Choose a self-paced program that fits your budget and schedule. 

One-on-One Ayurvedic Services

For those who are ready for a personal approach to co-create a balanced cycle lifestyle that best supports mind-body-spirit wellness. Private consultation with Heather is a deep dive into transformative  Ayurvedic wisdom. Begin your personal journey to YOUR well being today. No previous experience with Ayurveda is needed.

Learn more about Ayurveda for Women

Not sure where to start?

Let’s hop on a 20-minute call so you can find out where your journey begins!

Heather is warm and welcoming and is full of so much wonderful knowledge. She has helped me learn so much about myself and how to live honoring my true nature.


Discover Ayurveda Wisdom for Women on the Her Well Being Blog

New Moon Rituals for Women Inspired by Ayurveda & Yoga

Balance your hormones naturally with the holistic approach of Ayurveda. Self-care rituals create balanced energy all month for women long no matter the phase of life you’re currently in. Balancing practices help women ride the ups and downs of the menstrual cycle, perimenopause, and menopause.

Full Moon Rituals for Women Inspired by Ayurveda and Yoga

Discover Full Moon rituals for women inspired by Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology and Yoga. These practices naturally support hormone balance for women throughout the month, regardless of their current life phase. They also help navigate the discomforts of the menstrual...

Video Podcast with Fiji McAlpine: Forging Your Yoga Journey

Forge your yoga journey! Below is the video podcast transcript (summarized) about how Fiji McAlpine forged her own yoga journey and how you can do the same. Watch the video podcast and meet Fiji! HEATHER: Welcome to the Her Well Being...

3 Steps to Transform Your Monthly Cycle Naturally with Ayurveda

If you want to transform your monthly cycle naturally using Ayurveda, start with learning about the root cause that's being the troublemaker. If you're looking for a natural approach to manage the ups and downs of your menstrual cycle, you're in the right place....

Balance Your Cycle with Monthly Rituals Inspired by Ayurveda

Ayurvedic wisdom has been passed down through the generations that guide women in the many ways to enjoy a peaceful, steady cycle. The many practices include using its traditional food as medicine approach, herbal allies, and self-care practices; however, the most important one, to begin with, is observing the moon cycles. Learn more with this blog post about Lunar Practices for Peaceful Menstruation.

3 Holistic Health Tips to Help You Thrive this Summer

Summer is usually a fun time, but also when we let healthy habits slide. By the end of the summer, we may not feel our best. It’s possible to have fun and feel great! Read about my top 3 self-care tips inspired by Ayurveda to stay committed to your wellness goals this summer.

Ayurveda and Yoga for Women’s Wellness: Better Together

How can you make your yoga practice more effective? More enjoyable? More personal? The key lies in understanding Ayurveda, the ancient Indian wisdom of life, health and longevity. By utilizing concepts from Ayurveda, you can create your own personalized yoga practice that will have an immense impact on both your physical and mental health, as well as your daily lifestyle.

Join the Full Moon Circle Meditation Group for Women!

Join our meditation group to listen to guided meditations led by Heather to expertly lead you through the lunar cycle.

Contact Us for More Information!