Enjoy More Energy, Naturally

Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse

Written by Heather Burkart

I'm passionate about helping women unlock their greatest potential to experience the energy, focus, and mood that they deserve.

Restore Gut Health & Flush Toxins

In my podcast Gut Health & Cleansing w/Ayurveda I go into detail about the Ayurvedic perspective of digestive health and seasonal cleansing through my own story and the most important things that I learned along the way. I also introduce a couple of ways you do an Ayurvedic cleanse on your own. 

Here are the top 5 signs you are ready for a detox

  • Feeling slow and sluggish
  • Indigestion, especially bloating and gas (always feeling full)
  • Difficulty thinking clearly (brain fog)
  • Strong food cravings
  • Skin irritations

Get Her Well Being’s Ayurvedic Detox Guide and start reducing and removing toxins so you can feel better and have more energy.

Take the challenge! An Ayurvedic cleanse is a perfect crash course in all the most important things to incorporate into your diet and lifestyle – and in a short period of time. You can learn how to do it yourself with my free download The Ayurvedic Detox Guide. You’ll get links to my favorite Ayurvedic cleansing practices and products so you can stock up and get ready for your own Ayurvedic detox. Why not get started today so you can start feeling better sooner?

Want to try an Ayurvedic home cleanse with practitioner and peer support?

If you want to try a home cleanse with more peer and practitioner support, you can also sign up for Her Well Being’s Ayurvedic Home Cleanse to do it on your own terms. The self-paced program comes with daily informational and instructional emails, videos, recipes, grocery lists, cleansing product links, and more. A 20-minute phone consultation is also included. 

I guide you step by step with videos and resources at your fingertips to help you prepare for your own Ayurvedic home cleanse. Either way, you won’t feel like you’re doing this on your own! You’ll have plenty of support from me and others in the program.  Here’s what’s included in the Ayurvedic Home Cleanse program:

  • Ayurvedic Home Cleanse Guide
  • Videos to help you prepare for your own cleanse
  • Links to resources about cleansing Ayurvedic self-care
  • Food & Shopping Lists
  • Practitioner & Peer Support
  • 20-minute Phone Consultation with Heather

Choose the VIP Package to get a 90-minute intake consultation to add personal touches to your home cleans and a 60-minute follow-up to prepare for your home cleanse. You’ll get personalized suggestions for cleansing recipes, products, and teas.

Learn more about the Ayurvedic Home Cleanse. 

Listen to the podcast to hear my story and how an Ayurvedic diet and cleansing saved me.  Contact me for more information at hello@herwellbeing.com.

Good luck!

~ Heather

Her Well Being Ayurveda & Yoga

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