Listen to the full podcast here. Is Intermittent Fasting For Me? When to eat is nearly as important as what we eat. Why? This is because of how our digestion works and a concept called Agni in Ayurvedic terms or digestive fire. Everyone has a digestive type, which is...
For 2021, I’ve decided to …. (drum roll please) … start a podcast! The Her Well Being Podcast is for real women who seek holistic solutions to real, everyday life.
You’re going to laugh when I tell you that my favorite breakfast is cooked apples. Yep. It wasn’t always. My first Ayurvedic Practitioner in Chicago taught me to eat apples every morning to balance my digestion and elimination. That was before I knew...
This is a quick and easy tonic to make and take when you start to feel a cold coming on. You can also dilute it with water or juice to take as a preventative during the cold/flu season. You probably already have most of these ingredients! This makes a small batch that...